Signature Lived-In Blonding

Extending the Life of Your Hair Color


As busy humans, we can all relate to the struggle of balancing time, money, and quality in our lives. How many times have you felt like these resources are slipping away, leaving you having to choose just one? Well, I've been there too, and I understand the frustration.

After spending a decade listening to my clients' feedback, a common concern consistently arises: "I love this look, but I can't afford to be in the salon every 6-8 weeks, spending $$$ each time." Let me assure you, I truly hear you!

That's why I've dedicated my skills and expertise to create the ultimate solution: my exclusive Signature Lived-in Blonding method. This unique technique combines custom placement and an application method that specifically targets the health of your hair. Not only will it give you the color you desire, but it also extends the longevity of your results, allowing you to stretch your blonding appointments to an impressive 10-16 weeks.

By maintaining natural dimension, color balancing, and precise finishing work, I ensure that you never have to compromise on the overall feel of your color just to extend your maintenance period.

With my Signature Lived-in Blonding, you can have it all without breaking the bank or sacrificing the quality you deserve.

So,why settle for less when you can effortlessly enjoy beautiful, long-lasting dimensional color? Don't let time, money, or quality slip away – choose the method that allows you to have it all. Book an appointment today to experience the game-changing power of my Signature Lived-in Blonding method.